ET Art. Part 4.

Dec. 12, 1995.

I don't know why the person who sent this to me called it ET Art. John Winston.


A field trip on an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Haven't you ever wanted to take a trip aboard an extraterrestrial rayship into space? Well we can, here and now! This article contains a short guided meditation where the reader takes an inner visit aboard the mother ship of a loving alien race. Believe it or not, I would say this is a rather accurate rendition of what it actually is like aboard "typical" spacecraft, at least those not limited to our 3rd dimension! The passage is another excerpt from the book "Bashar: Blueprint for Change. A Message from Our Future", by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing, which is "channeled" from an extraterrestrial named Bashar (although don't let that label add to or take away from the feeling.) For those who have been expressing interest in this book, it is 302 pages ($----- or so) available from New Solutions Publishing; Seattle, WA; ISBN# 1-56284-113-0. The back cover of it reads as follows:

"Bashar, are we going to blow ourselves up?"

"No!! Your civilization has already decided on a collective subconscious level not to do so.
You all chose to be here in this transformational age to see that you do NOT replay Atlantis and destroy yourselves and your world this time around.
Around the year 1997 a spark will be ignited in your Middle East....
There will be a complete transformation in that entire area....
By your year 2027 your world will be absolutely interwoven into the Galactic Association of Worlds - as an equal member.
We have no need for you to believe us. We are here to assist you in believing in yourselves.
The only time you have struggle and pain is when you are trying to be someone you are not, fighting your natural flow.
When you remove guilt from your tool box, you will realize that nothing is too good or too simple to be true; nothing is too wondrous or too ecstatic to be yours.
You deserve all you can conceive of...."

And now let us take you on a field trip to the Solar Wind, our mother ship.... Close your eyes.

In your mentality have the picture of the room you have created around you, and envision each individual, all of you together, all at once, surrounded by a blue crystalline bubble of energy. This bubble is your elevator, your ship. Relax and allow yourselves now to become the devices within the ship that activate it. Leave the idea of your earthly devices and tools behind; pay attention to them no more. You are the transference point; you are the ship.

Allow yourselves to recognize that the crystalline shell is quite transparent; you can see through it and you can see the room. In whatever way works best for you, in your imagination feel and see at the same time the room around you dissolve into a gray, fog-like state. You are all now together in this ship; you are all linked and you are all breathing the same energy.

Breathe it in three times deeply and prepare yourselves. Align yourselves; assimilate yourselves; unite yourselves. Feel the connection; feel that while you are individuals, every single other individual in this craft is *you*! - an extension of you, an expression of you, a facet of you. You are all one, one master crystal. And this crystal, in allowing the white light of your consciousness to glow within its very core, within its very heart, now comes alight with life and light, energizing the entire crystalline craft and rising above the Earth - higher and higher into the upper atmosphere, into what you call space.

Rising, you look down below. You see out of the fog now everything clearing into brilliant space, black with white stars everywhere. You see the beautiful Earth below you, shining like the jewel that it is, in the velvet curtain of deepest space, and you send your love. You see and feel and taste and hear the love of the Earth that is supporting you, that is extending you on its arm, extending you on your journey out into space. You are riding on the crest of the wave of the heart of your planet.

Now as it offers you the jewels of space, you look up. You see suspended in space before you a long cylindrical metallic object. It is approximately a mile in length. You allow yourselves now to see an opening in the side of this metallic object, wider and wider as you approach. You enter that opening, and as it closes below you, you are surrounded by a whiteness. You may sense in that whiteness, here and there, solid or nebulous, consciousness peering at you, smiling with you, loving with you, fading in and out - out of the milky whiteness. But laughing and sharing joy all around.

Allow yourselves to know that you can now begin to explore any area in any way, any aspect of this ship you so desire. There will always be someone with you in some capacity. You will also always be connected and feel the experiences of every other person you came with.

Now you are exiting the bubble and entering the milky whiteness of the ship, exploring and breathing the new atmosphere. Feel the gentle touches and caresses of the beingness all around you. Scatter and explore; enjoy and become fascinated by what you discover. Taste, touch, hear, feel, see, marvel. Recognize that you are sharing and participating in the creation of a multitude of worlds. Experience and take to heart these experiences.

Whether or not it appears to make sense to you, allow yourselves to interpret, in whatever way you so desire, the different chambers and areas of the ship. Let yourselves have the opportunity to recognize that in a very real way you are projecting astrally a portion of your consciousness. And that you are going to be funneling that information back to your idea of your earthly selves, incorporating that information into your very molecular structure. You will be feeding this information into the atmosphere around you, and when you carry this atmosphere back to your planet Earth, you will release the information and energy on your planet - to change the very air that you breathe, to change the very energy that sustains you.

Explore to your heart's content. Feel the vibrant pulse of life and light, for it is light itself which powers the vessel, and all vessels like it. It is the very heart and soul of the movement of space and time through the central core of this ship that creates the illusion of the ship's motion through all the dimensions of reality. Now be aware of the whereabouts of each other. Gather yourselves back together into your docking bay, into the milky whiteness. Feel the caresses and the kisses that are given to you from heart to heart and soul to soul.

As you form your craft round and about you in its crystalline beauty, and the iris opens below you, allow yourselves to drift back outside the hull into space and begin your travel toward planet Earth. Recognize now, as you bid farewell, that this is not goodbye, that this experience is directly with you now and it always shall be. And as you look down through the crystalline bottom of your energy craft, you see once again the beauty of the jewel of your Earth. Recognize that it is in every way truly a new world to explore in all of its unlimited fascination and facets.

You are eager to allow the atmosphere of the new crystalline reality that you know you are participating within to burst upon contact with your Earth and allow the shards of brilliant seed-like beauty to go scattering everywhere, reflecting the beautiful light of your central star. And as you sink gently back to Earth, see your feet gently touch the ground. Send roots deep down to drink of the nourishment of the fluid of the life and light of your home world, while knowing that all worlds are your home world. Know that the life you are, the Earth you are, is the nourishment that will allow you to grow toward the light as high as you wish to go.

Know that every one of you have incorporated the information of the experience in your own way, encoded it within you, and it will release in its own fashion, after your own kind. And that much of your dream reality can become vivid and vibrant. There may be more release, more malleability, more recognition that life around you is but what you dream it to be. Allow yourselves to know that it was a real experience, and that you have projected a portion of yourselves aboard that craft.

In every way there is still, and always will be, a portion of yourselves aboard that craft that we will share, that you will share together with us. We thank you for your participation, and we will allow you to remember: ALL REUNIONS ARE SIMPLY AWAKENINGS TO THE UNION THAT ALREADY EXISTS EVERYWHERE, EVERYWHEN.


Part 4.

John Winston.